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Friday, March 6, 2009

Bold Theme: DL

For this theme I used my custom Battery and Signal meters from my Pro 1.3 theme. They are the blue bars across the top (Battery is left, Signal is right).

The 4 smaller icons on the left are not user changable, but the 6 larger icons on the bottom are.

As you can see in the screenshots, when you scroll over Calendar or Messages your upcoming appointments or messages will appear.

*Click on the pics below to see them fullsize.


  1. Dylan:

    Thank you for the work you did on this theme. I really like it because it is clean and inessnce gives me 11 icons on my hom,e page (albeit only 6 of my choosing, but the 5 set ones are ones I would normally want in any event.)

    I also like that fact that my calendar and new messages are only displaed if I roll over the respective icons. I often take out my bold and set it on the conference table during meetings, and I don't like other today themes that constantly display personal info on the screen.

    I also like the larger font - I'm an old man and even with glasses fonts below 9 pts are hard to read on the Bold's screen.

    My only disapoitment is the size of the battery indicator bar. I have an Otterbox on my Bold so the very top edge of screen is obscured when the Bold is held at a 45% or greater angle because of the protruding lip on the Otterbox. If the top indicator bar was just twice its size it would work perfectly.

    Thanks again. It is a great theme.

  2. Hi Dylan,

    I love this DL theme but I can't get it to download to my phone. Can you help me it? If so, please contact me at Thanks!!
